Teen Pregnancy

Voice My Story Handles Teen Pregnancy

Voice My Story is here to help teens feel prepared and empowered by their future.  Teen pregnancy can seem like a daunting future for many in that situation, tides of worries can create unbearable uncertainty. Voice My Story is here to help ground each teen into wiser more prepared plans for an even more empowered future.

Making Plans of Action

Voice My Story provides the resources and actions necessary to advocate a more peaceful call for help.  Topics like how and when to talk to parents, how to establish support networks, and generating a plan of action can be expressed to our clients so that they can better navigate their plans of action in an organized way. 



Resources for testing are made available for teens who need confirmation of either pregnancy status. Also, additional medical resources are provided according to need. Breaking the silence to a family of a teen or partner can be very difficult and confusing, this can further the feeling of loneliness and panic. 

Establishing Safety Zones

Resources for maternity homes can be set up for teens in need of a safe place to come to terms with stressful living situations. There is also the option of attending school programs that foster pregnant teens. Regardless of what she chooses to do, medical services resources and information will be made available to her. This can include transportation service information, doctor’s appointments, and access to preventative supplies.

Teen pregnancy can be a turbulent topic. Our volunteers can help to smooth out the turbulence, help manage and regulate emotions and distribute resource information about what to expect or whom to turn to in a time of crisis. Hotlines, peer groups and Voice My Story advocates can help to promote peace and understanding.

Smoothing The Storm​


It is hard to be alone, now with Voice My Story pregnant teens don’t have to be. We work to make sure that each teen feels cared for, heard, and protected. We are here to make sure that they know that they have people that they can turn to in a time of need and avenues that they can explore when facing their options. Our advocates have experience in handling issues in a judgment-free zone which creates safety for the teen, parents, and partners that need our help.

© Copyright 2021 by VoiceMyStory

Retelling The Narrative!